Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tips for Visitors to India

Tips when Visiting Places of Worship in India
1. Leave your footwear outside the place of worship.
2. In some places of worship, it is mandatory to cover your head before you enter.
3. When you are offered prasad (holy offering), do not take it in your left hand. Cup your right palm, place your left hand below the right hand, and then take the prasad. In a similar manner, accept holy water given to you, sip it up from your palm, and wipe it off on the top of your head.
4. Do not talk loudly in a place of worship or giggle at a ritual.
5. Fold your hands, palm against palm, and stand with feet together during the aarti.
6. Photography is not permitted in some places of worship, so confirm this before visiting with a camera/handycam.

Tips when Visiting a Home in India
1. Leave your footwear outside the threshold or just inside the door.
2. Never visit a home during the afternoon between 1p.m. to 4p.m. unless you are specifically invited at this time, as this is the time when elders in the family have their siesta.
3. Always be puntual when invited for a meal as it is a tradition in an Indian home not to eat a morsel till the guests arrive.
4. Wait for an indication to start a meal, as some families begin with a short prayer.
5. Do not leave food in your plate as it is considered an insult to the Gods and not just to your hosts. You can be firmly polite & say "No, thank you, this is enough" when offered a second helping, rather than wasting food that you are unable to finish.
6. Do not leave the table till your hosts too have completed their meals.
7. It would be nice to give a small gift (flowers are just fine too) to your hosts either as soon as you arrive or just before you leave.

Respect the traditions and cultures of India, come with an open mind, and you will truly have an enchanting time in my beautiful country.
Welcome to India!

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